That will do...

My mother-in-law is home from her hip replacement and unsurprisingly a little stiff and sore. She is able to walk with crutches though, which is pretty impressive given what they've just done to her. In the morning we went to get a few things from the supermarket and her long prescription list.

After lunch I took the her dog for his long walk to the Hippodrome, and took my camera with me. I managed a few pictures, but it's rather dull, grey and misty here so not so exciting. I did get one interesting picture - which I may retake with better light as it's funny. On the way back we swang past our house to collect my RAM order for a computer I'm upgrading that had been delivered.

Today's blip is a spur of the moment job. After our walk the fluffy terror looked more like the beast from 10,000 fathoms... He had a towel down which always makes him a bit silly. He eventually settled down on the back of the sofa (an unusual position for him). Oddly I was able to get a picture of him without him getting up to find out what I was doing - he can be a bit nosy...!

The memory upgrade worked first time, and the RAM I took out will go into another computer to upgrade that - waste not want not!

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