(I) Cayenne (Do This)

Phase 1 Day 28. Two liters, outdoor workout and reading done. These past couple of days, am intentionally going lighter on the first workout because my body is begging me to get at least one full rest day but am being stubborn as I just need to get through the last few harder days and then there is a mandatory 30 day space between Phase 1 and 2. Initially, I said I will probably still be working out twice a day and going to relax my nutrition a bit. However, on second thought, I have decided to maintain the discipline nutrition wise and ease on activity instead.
This morning, T asked me out of the blue where I get my carbohydrates and whether bananas have carbohydrates. It was super funny but I managed to reply with a straight face. Told him I get my carbohydrates mostly from fruits and vegetables and that yes, bananas have carbohydrates as most, if not all food has it, just in different proportions. He also mentioned he is "worried" about his sugar consumption while grabbing a chocolate wafer roll.
Decided to blip this chili fruit today because I just realized that I have been buying Cayenne in a bottle while we actually have the real deal in our backyard.
Here's to you getting some light (sun and laughter) today.

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