
By dunkyc

see the good

It’s been a pretty stressful few days.

Work has been full-on with a myriad of complex issues requiring resolution, there’s been a couple of things with the offspring to sort, and also some things to discuss with the ex-wives club. All of which have been handled with varying degrees of success, but at the last count I still have a job, everyone is still talking to each other and my children, adjusting to the impact and increasing presence of their mother’s new partner, have had the reassurance from me that I will still be in their lives no matter what.  

So, it’s all good, but Lordy-me, the constant negotiation at work and play, the endless back and forth and blah blah blah is so flippin’ draining that I think I’ve been close to burning out this week. The Work Gods, having seen me close to collapse have eased up today and it’s been a little easier, plodding on with the fire crackling away beside me, but it was still late when laptop was turned off this evening. 

The strain clearly hasn’t shown as much as I may have thought and I seem to have retained my sense of self. The work wife warmed my cockles by telling me “you always see the good in everyone” and providing words of encouragement after a tricky video call with counterparts and prospects from Italy and Spain.

It was a nice end to the day though when at the children’s insistence we all donned our new matching PJs and watched Home Alone.  

I have a precious day off tomorrow, which means a three-day weekend to (hopefully) relax a little and crack on with some Christmas shopping and associated prep – there might even be some time with P thrown into the mix, which would be most welcome.

Aaaaaaand breathe…….

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