Shelduck Dance

Probably not a dance at all, and more likely some territorial disagreement with the young female behind them waiting for the outcome. Nothing changes...

A day off from decorating and book culling. We nipped to Slimbridge for a wander, although there wasn't actually much going on. All the caged birds are in hiding because of local outbreaks of bird flu - once deemed very worrying and now simply another hazard to be navigated. The wild birds of course do as they will, while we do as we're told. 

We are, once more, in ambiguous territory, parish council -wise. We have a meeting next Tuesday, and such meetings have by law to be face-to-face. And yet covid restrictions are warning us to work from home where possible (which it is, practically, but not, legally). I guess we will do what we think is wisest.

We might have to dance around the law, and I don't really give a shelduck!

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