Set up

The unit was pretty quiet this morning, and I was able to tidy up most of the outstanding stuff. Chaos reared its head later in the day when delays in achieving discharge led to delays in being able to admit, and the spectre of a possible case of Covid-19 arriving on the ward.

As it happened, one of yesterday's admissions (who had been homeless for the last couple of months) did turn out to be positive. He was able to be transferred to one of the Covid wards, and had been in a sort of isolation area until he could be transferred. Staff are managing very well so far.

Packed the car with some things for the new place, including the carpets seen in my blip. These are the carpets that nearly two years ago were saturated when a pipe burst above the ceiling in the study/storeroom at Fidelis. We had them cleaned and dried and they have remained rolled up waiting to be put down again. S is hopeful that there will be less noise coming through to below when I move my chair!

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