
By Veronica

Locked down

We now have to quarantine for 10 days, or 48 hours if we manage to get a negative test result. So I'm reduced to the view from the window. Edit: this day last year.

Having gone to bed at 1:30 a.m. after our long day, we got up late ... very late. First things first: S discovered he'd left his iPad on the TGV :( But very efficiently, the SNCF had found and recorded it, and after a bit of to-ing and fro-ing by email it's being shipped back. We were lucky that Montpellier was the terminus and the train must have been cleaned immediately afterwards.

We were ill-prepared for our post-trip lockdown. Lunch was some fairly yucky lamb stew from the freezer with bread. We only had a litre of milk to last us for the two days and had already used half of it for breakfast ... when Frenchtoast told me that you are allowed to go food shopping between 10 and 12, I thought our problems were solved, till we discovered the village shop closed on Christmas Eve and won't open again till after New Year. Luckily the mayor came through by delivering a couple of bottles of milk to our door :-D

Dinner: a bottle of wine (at least we have plenty of that), the chunk of tired Comté from the fridge with the mould cut off, the remains of a pack of almost equally tired Boursin with figs and walnuts, and the last packet of oatcakes. Followed up with carrot cake, stewed figs, and Greek yogurt. We know how to live!

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