Bourblach Beach to Glenfinnan

Now, I wonder what will be the moment I save on camera today. It’s been beautiful from start to finish.

We woke up to a dusting of snow and light frost and headed over to Bourblach beach in sunshine for a walk with no-one else around. We were sheltered from the gusting northerly which meant we felt tranquility on the coastline whilst watching  dancing white horses out to sea. The Small Isles had snow covered hills and it was a real joy to feel winter returning to Scotland.

It was just a short walk and Little Dog is enjoying herself and coping admirably so we decided to head to Glenfinnan as Rich had never been there before. He was suitably impressed and for me, it was fabulous seeing a light winter backdrop and snow still on the tracks. We took the trail west up to the viewpoint which was new for me as I had only headed up the hill east for my dawn BlipDay adventure a few years ago. There was a small snow storm just as a friend texted to say snow had arrived back home.

Once back at our temporary home and after a bit of chilling, we enjoyed our last afternoon blast on the beach in a mighty, mighty cold wind. We didn’t last long despite being wrapped up but it was a good feeling to get out, and get back! 

Last meal, last fire, last episode of Around The World in 80 days (we’ve loved that!) and now the last night.

It’s been worth the wait 

Update:  THANK YOU for your love on my BlipDay - I really appreciate your comments and confetti. Thank you for keeping me motivated!

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