Up the Tay

A bit of a roller coaster of a day. 
My brother phoned first thing to say the consultant had phoned and Mum wasn't really responding to the antibiotics and that they were now looking at "comfort care", something we have no problems with. The good thing was he was allowed to visit and, if they could get a side-room, other family members could.
This happened after lunch, too late to make the long journey today, but in the afternoon she rallied a bit and my other brother was able to phone those of us not there and let us talk to her. She was able to take in what we were saying and respond a bit so that gave us a chance to say our goodbyes. I've also spoken to all my brothers and sisters (2 of each), some there and some not, as well as keeping grand-children up-to-date. The latest report is she's now very peaceful and maybe quietly slipping away, with nurses who are taking excellent care of her. 
In between all the messaging I had to keep busy so went on the Health Walk and then a short run on the beach

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