Funny Dreams

Sssh! Can you keep a secret?
I was politely warned by daughter #5 NOT to copy her and buy these pink shoes, and while trying hard to obey her, I went ahead and here they are, newly arrived and waiting for their spring debut.

To be fair to myself, I bought purple ones out of the same stable last year, so it's not as though I had copied her with the style, incidentally called Funny Dreams!
I did try to obey her, and ordered their white ones with yellow laces, but when they arrived they made me look as though I was scheduled for ward duty so they went back.

She is travelling north today from deepest darkest Yorkshire to stay with Glasgow daughter for a few days, and coming through to Edinburgh to visit me on Wednesday.
I will hide the shoes.

It's our little secret. No self respecting daughter wants to be dressed like her mother.

PS I'm still having grief with my internet connection to Blipfoto on my BT server at home, so I am resorting to having to spend time in my little local bookshop..... not a hardship really, except for commenting.

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