At Priestfield

Postponed before Christmas, the rescheduled League One fixture at Gillingham was a "must win" game for Crewe. They lost. 1-0.

To be fair, the referee was poor, but Crewe didn't make the best of the many chances they created - several created by the new signings made at the end of the transfer window last week (at least, this was a positive sign for what's left of our relegation battle).

Gillingham is hardly the nicest town to visit at the best of times, but on a cold January midweek night, there were no decent pubs (I had a couple of pints in the Will Adams, tatty but friendly enough), and a just passable chip shop to fuel me up for the evening. Injuries extended the game considerably - to the point that I (and a handful of the other 151 travelling Alex supporters) had to leave before the final whistle to make sure I caught the last train back to London

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