Dark rainbow.

Not so cold today but cloudy and wet. Bed changing and laundry done and a casserole made and put in the slow cooker. Then I cleared up lots of trivial things that were cluttering the place up, did my exercises, had a read and sorted out my car.  I had to put the back seats up for it to  be MOT'd so at last I returned it to the order or disorder I prefer.  Set Roomba going downstairs and went off to Birnie in waterproof gear.  The rain was lashing down and I was annoyed that I hadn't done my walking earlier.  However once I started the rain slackened and I cheered up.  Met a woman with an umbrella who began to chat.  I wondered if she might be lonely as she said walking in the afternoon meant the evenings didn't seem too long.  After we parted I  took some swan photos. Kept looking for the heron but there was no sign.  Then to my surprise  a little sunshine appeared on a distant hill. How different sunshine makes things look.  A few photos and then suddenly there was a rainbow and sunlight hit the reeds on the loch.  I couldn't believe my luck.  The sky didn't look that friendly though and as I went back to the car heavy rain set in.  Arrived home as Courtney came back from her Dad's house so I got a big hug then went in to find downstairs clean and tidy.  I seem to have trekked so much mud and earth into the house in the past week.  Upstairs has been Roomba'd too but the stairs are still messy.  Oh well.   Maybe tomorrow !

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