The Kiltwalk

By thekiltwalk

Do you ken his face?

Meet Iain Meiklejohn, does he look familiar?

It could be you've seen him at a Scotland home or away game? If you've not seen him, we're sure you'll have heard him as his singing of the Flower of Scotland is gash. It's so bad that when he sang it in China, it took me three re runs of the video to realise he wasn't singing in Chinese!!

If it's not from there, perhaps you ken his face, or 'body' fae Facebook where his 'pure mental' videos are becoming legendary. If you haven't seen them, look him up and watch his St. Andrew's Day celebration "gang nam" style, or simply wonder "who cleaned all that up" if you watch yesterday's "milkfest"

It's hard to decide if Iain has the "Heart of a Lion" or is "Daft as a Brush" and the answer is probably somewhere in between.

The one thing he lacks is an "off switch" which would come in handy as he's always up to something, be that noising someone up, voicing an opinion . . . requested or not, playing practical jokes on his family or simply not shutting up. So an off switch for "Everready" as we've nicknamed him could be handy, if only to allow the rest of us to catch up with his pace.

It's clear that everything Iain does, he does with "passion" be that playing with the kids, following Dundee United, Everton or Scotland, going for the paper or eating deep fried Tarantula, no really he did.

One thing Iain is hugely passionate about, driven by his desire to help Scotland's Bairns, is The Kiltwalk.

Iain is about to take part in his third Hampden to Loch Lomond Kiltwalk on 21st April and if that wasn't impressive enough, then if I add that along with Craig and Susan he stomped across the Great Wall of China last year for The Kiltwalk, you'll start to see he not only talks the Kiltwalks talk, he walks it too.

Having taken part in the Great Wall of China event Iain couldn't resist being the first to book up for this years Kilimanjaro Kiltwalk, where to help fund his trip and raise additional Kiltwalk sponsorship, he's running a prize raffle. The deal is that everyone who sponsors him has the chance to win one of the growing list of impressive prizes and let's just say some, if not all of them are well worth winning.

So if you want to dine or relax in style, check out his Facebook page and donate whatever you can.

Iain's often asked whether Iwona, his lovely lady, minds being left behind to look after their son and Iain's daughter when she comes to stay, as he treks round the world. He usually warbles on at this point, but truth be known I'm sure they're glad of the break. I mean it must be a nightmare livening with Iain and his 'exploits' :-)

So as 'mental' as Iain is, he's a great advocate and supporter of The Kiltwalk where he's only to happy to stand in the rain handing out leaflets, organize raffles, take part in our events or simply arrange a wee swally in the name of The Kiltwalk.

Iain we salute you and look forward, with some hesitation, to your next video and stories from Kilimanjaro.

So finally, do you ken who Iain really is?

Well look closely at todays blipfoto picture . . . you worked it out yet? He's only Oor Wullies pal, aye that's right, his real pal. I mean he takes him tae the fitba' and everything, how cool is that?

Final warning. If you bump into him on 21st then be careful what you dare him to do, because for the right Kiltwalk price . . . he'll do anything. Yaaasss!!

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