Don't You Have Any in Red?

So....I am feeling much better now and at last I was able to get out and about with my shopping list in hand........

First stop? The veterinarian clinic..Maggie was getting worried that her food supply might be running low, seeing as how I had not been out of the house for quite some time to shop....and I seemed to be scrimping on the treats..

Then, to the Blinds To Go shop, to pick up a part and book an installer for next week. Maggie has been concerned that the Venetian blind on her favourite front room window will not go up or down and it is down. She wants it up! It is inhibiting her bird watching... hence, priority must be given...The installer will come Monday.

And then the biggie on the list least to me...definitely not to Maggie - a new washing machine. Just when things are in turmoil, the washing machine dies! Now in this house a lot of things are well past their "Best By" the refrigerator, the stove, and the microwave. Some are actually on life support - like the dishwasher... and the car port roof...My kitchen is an appliance salesman's dream..and the rest of the house, deck and carport, a contractor's early retirement package! 

Procrastination can only work for so long..eventually the axe falls...The washing machine? Drat! wouldn't you know? Can't get by without a washing time to bite the bullet. 

Washing machines are not very exciting..and neither is shopping for one. White or black. Top load or front.  More capacity or less. Fun wow.. And, not cheap. (Airfare to France) But I needed one. So I bought one...a very plain, white, front load with enough capacity to do slipcovers..It will be delivered Tuesday. My life is complete. 

Next on the list? Find a company that replaces flat roofs on dilapidated carports 


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