The Road Home

The Road Home
As I cannot drive at the moment I am finding it quite nice being chauffeured driven and I get to look out of the window at the countryside. The downside is I get to see all the litter that has been thrown out of cars - 'Why'? 
Anyway I also get to play with my phone camera out of the passenger seat window. 
This image is using the Slow Shutter Speed App and I took a number of images today using this. Sue had to pop into the Farm Shop on the way home and I played with another  phone app called PhotoSplit. Using the multiple exposure template I loaded two of the SlowShutter Speed shots and blended them to give a pleasing 'pastle' result. 
When I got home and imported them into Lightroom and I realised I saved the result twice. I fiddled with both images and on the second image I reduced Texture and Clarity to -100 and achieved a very soft effect. I imported these two versions as layers into photoshop and played around with the blend mode and opacity of the soft image just to add to the pastel effect.

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