A little protection...

because the garden bug bit me a month to early! This hand-me-down skylight works well as a mini greenhouse heated with a 100 watt bulb. I have the sweet pea flower plants I started from seeds, and the Amish transplants lettuce, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower all tucked in there. They survived 28 degrees last light but I put a blanket over them tonight as it is supposed to be colder. The plants in my garden are covered with 5 gallon buckets. They have grown new leaves so we will see how they manage during this cold snap. March is a tricky month for a gardener and it puts me to the test every year...all part of the fun if you ask me. I'm up for the challenge!
Had to have an old root canal redone today...It also has a crown only 2 years old...Doc thinks he can save the tooth and the crown...I hope so as I have $5k in this tooth now.
God Bless Ukraine.

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