First view of Chicago

If you look below the nacelle, under the wing, you can see the taller buildings of Chicago rising above the low cloud.
Had an uneventful 7.5 hour flight, which is always the best kind of flight of course!
Funny that it only took two and a half hours to get here, the wonders of the Jet Age eh!
I'm doing this in the evening, which is the middle of the night back home. Tried earlier but it was taking a long time. Then realised, after getting a text from Virgin Mobile, that I was very quickly ramping up a large bill. I'd only been here an hour at that time, sent and received a few messages at the airport while waiting for my brother in law, and then tried to blip.
First impressions of this city are not great. Lots of beggars and homeless on the streets, many shops closed or boarded up. Loads of litter, looks like one of those police programmes about America. Brother in law said about how it has declined a lot, particularly over the COVID period.
Tomorrow I'll take a walk along the river, that is said to be very nice.

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