Sunny Day

It was surprisingly scorching at the footie. It had been frosty first thing so Leo popped under armour on as he was expecting a quiet and cold time in goal.

He was right about the quiet time as his team won 16-1, but the layers were a very bad idea!

Ian met Nina and Jas at Heathrow and they had a good trip down, arriving about 3pm.  It was Jas’s first UK trip and he was amazed by all the brick and greenery!    It was pressie opening time and catch up time once I’d picked them up and delivered them home before an early night to let them sleep off their jet lag.  

Jas is staying at a hotel just down the road from us which is very handy.  Tomorrow, Bobbie will be popping around too so there will be a bumper crop of 8 of us for lunch. We are going to head out and eat to make life simple and to show Jas a bit more of the countryside as we journey about.

Nina is looking forward to catching the footie as she is a lifelong Liverpool fan. Hope they win!

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