A time for everything

By turnx3

Book Club reading

It was another dull wet day, so a good day to spend reading in the morning for the afternoon’s Book Club. This months book was The Chancellor, a biography of Angela Merkel, written by Hungarian American author Kati Marton. We usually do fiction or historical fiction, so this was a bit different for us, and not one I would have chosen to read by myself, but that is one of the great things about Book Clubs, they do get you reading different things - you don’t get stuck in a rut, tending to stick with authors you know you like. It was actually a very interesting read, and I learned a lot. I have always admired her from afar, but I am now even more impressed by the achievements of this remarkable woman, who grew up, a pastor’s daughter in East Germany, and became a trained physicist, only getting involved in politics after the fall of the Berlin Wall. There were seven of us today, so enough for a good discussion, and we were all generally quite positive about it. I had this on Kindle from the library, so to make a better photo the book I have used for my blip is the book for next month, which unfortunately I shall be missing, as we will be out of town. Kristin Hannah is one of those authors I would keep reading, if not encouraged by Book Club to read different things, as I think she’s a great writer.

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