(110) Watering Hole...almost.

Exhibition Park in Newcastle is the current home of the 'Born Free Forever' art installation which is intended to highlight the plight of lions both in captivity in the wild, with only 20,000 remaining compared to 200,000 in the 1960's when the movie 'Born Free' was made. 'Born Free Forever' was unveiled on Monday April 4 by film star Virginia McKenna, who starred alongside her husband Bill Travers in 1966 wildlife flick Born Free. The couple played George and Joy Adamson and is based on their true story of rehabilitating and returning orphaned lioness Elsa back into the wild.

The building in the background is home to the Wylam Brewery but I've never managed to synchronise my Newcastle visits with their opening hours so it's not been added to my list of watering holes...yet. 

Thanks to the unnamed lion that very kindly held my bike while I took this photo. 

The extra shot is a view that I've photographed many times before but this was the first time I'd seen the sky lit up by the lights from the Newcastle United FC stadium. 

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