Another special tulip

Last minUte holiday stuff organisation . I must say it’s more relaxed with being retired than when working up to the day before! Still have the hairdressers and mum’s shopping to do tomorrow and the packing.

Went a walk late afternoon and popped in to see the gang. I am giving them my penny plants to take care of as they need watering every three days. Mum has said she will take some to put on her landing (not the inside as she would only be fine for catcus plants)! We have so many plants to look after…

Ben told us a hilarious story about his camp how the tent was on a hill . Four lads in a tent with Ben at the top of the incline. They woke up all slid down on each other’s bed roll with the two at the bottom on one roll and Ben’s was empty. It was funny imagining it. He slept for 10 hours 14 last night. Absolutely exhausted but had a great time. On Friday he goes to Dalguise near Dunkeld for an outdoor adventure with his class.

Cameron is now off on study leave with his first Higher exam on Friday which is Chemistry.


Bought a random batch of tulip bulbs last year and they have bloomed well this year again.

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