Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

For Those that Wait!

A busy day.  We started with the trial of two e-bikes from Halfords, taking them up onto the Chase. when we'd finally signed our lives away and found out how to get them in and on the car.  While we could tell when the battery was helping us (mainly on uphill sections), neither of us particularly like the position you sit on mountain bikes and we curtailed the ride and headed over to the stables to give Meg a groom and do the mucking out and poo picking.

We got back early afternoon as I was expecting a call from the oncology consultant as a follow up to recent blood tests.  The appointed hour came, and went!  After another hour we called the hospital, but other than an email being sent to the consultant the receptionist couldn't help any further.  An hour later and I still hadn't heard anything so rang again.  This time I just got the out of hours message.

I'd just been pottering around the garden in anticipation of the call so decided to pull out the Lensbaby kit to take some photos.  I know I took an image of forget-me-nots last week but there was a certain irony in taking them again today.  

And eventually I was rewarded with a call from the consultant's registrar 3 hours and 10 minutes after the appointment!  I like the registrar so didn't give her a hard time.  She even had some good news with the PSA level being undetectable this time around.  Last time there had been all sorts of issues with the testing of the blood sample; reports of poor quality control, a technician not following procedure and out of calibration diagnostic equipment and there was little confidence when a result was provided.  It was good to know that the radiotherapy had done the trick for the time being.  We've learnt that there are no absolutes with the cancer, so we do it all again in three months.  In the meantime I have the prospect of coming off hormone therapy next time around if the results are similar.  I will be really pleased if that is the case as they have some frustrating side effects (which I won't be indelicate and mention here!).

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