Wanderings & Witterings

By IvarBlipS


A day in front of the computer. Given that the weather outside was pretty miserable, that was no great loss. Took a break in the late afternoon to drive over to Cumbernauld and made a detour to go up to visit the Carrick Stone (pictured).

By all historical accounts this is what's left of a Roman altar - it's situated relatively close to the Antonine Wall and (if one ignores the nearby houses and the sprawling new town) has a commanding view of the surrounding countryside. The name is attributed to a legend that Robert the Bruce (one of whose titles was Earl of Carrick) raised his standard here on his way to battle, but other suggestions are that the actual Carrick Stone was another monument and the name was given to this altar at a later date.

The Romans did much for Britain. Building Cumbernauld New Town was not one of them.

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