My Restless Lens

By terri365

29 May 2022 - A Late Bloomer

Found this late unfurler (clearly not a word!) in the woods on the morning dog walk.

I was tired this morning - last night's get together ended up with an ambulance for my friend who we think had a seizure.  She didn't want to go to hospital but has promised to follow up with her GP on Tuesday.  She gave us all a fright!  I popped in today to see how she was doing when I went to collect my car and she seems fine,  She didn't sleep well worrying that it would happen again.

She came with me to help me pick out some plants now that I have dug out the flower bed again.  Only, when I went to dig some holes to plant them I hit rock!  AAAAAAGH!!!  It took me ages to dig out 4 bits of rock and there's still another bit...  I will now need to go and get some soil to fill in the holes left by the rocks.  Nothing is easy with gardening!!!  :(

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