Black day in Ontario

Yesterday was provincial election day in Ontario. The incumbent party, led by former drug-dealer Doug Ford and his acolytes, won an increased majority: this is despite never talking to the media and running a campaign that was, to say the least, disingenuous. Ontarians voted for it and they therefore deservedly got into power.

But what the hell does this say about Ontario and this province. Over the four years, Ford has shown himself to be a lazy, self-serving, corrupt, incompetent buffoon - for whom debate rules had to be changed so he would talk. (He was allowed to bring in a cheat-sheet binder for the only televised debate he turned up for.) 

I'll tell you what it says about Ontarians: they just don't give a feck.

It also says a hell of a lot about the other parties. Their campaigns were shambolic: disorganized, incompetent, unfocused.. shambolic, as I said. They refused to work together, had no way of focusing on the major issues and problems facing the province (healthcare, education, environment, economic recovery, green renewal, etc. etc. etc.), and completely stunk out the place in their engagement strategies. There was nothing, NOTHING to attract the progressive vote. They bickered and squabbled and refused to cooperate. Ontarians lost out as a result. When you add to that the fact that the Liberal party leader looked like Uncle Festa from the Addams Family, it looked seriously like they were running with the sole objective of losing.

The only positive is that the Ottawa area remains a hub of progressive votes. 

I am bereft at the moment. Seriously thinking of upping sticks again. Seriously, what a kick in the teeth.

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