A Day In The Life

By Irish59


We took advantage of the overcast skies this morning and finished planting the rest of our potatoes, all Evas. If all goes well we’ll harvest late August into early September, giving us a few weeks if more time is needed • Some weeding got done too. Just in time for the rain coming this evening • Young Mister Woodchuck left his calling card in one of our flower beds, discovered first thing this morning. Our hollyhock is nothing but stems now, and all of the buds from the sunflower plant (don’t recall name but the flowers mimic small sunflowers and blooms all summer) are gone. The little bugger didn’t care for the leaves because they’re all still there, thank goodness. The crime likely took place yesterday evening. It’s a declaration of War!! • This quick shot was taken this afternoon when a gray squirrel stood up on his back legs to peek over a planter, as if to see if the grass is greener on the other side :) • I wrote to our two US Senators again asking them to support gun reform legislation when they return to work next week • Have a happy rest of the weekend!

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