
One of the features of Blip which I enjoy is the “1 year ago” option, and I often flick back over the last 9-10 years. Sometimes it chucks up memories I could do without, but pot luck is a bit of fun too. 

This morning I was checking back, and on this day in 2018 I was Blipping šaltibarščiai eaten in a restaurant in Kaunas. Click the link to see what it looks like on a restaurant table, and my Blip yesterday if you do not know what my haverings are about.  


Weird things, brains. Unless it is purely something random. 

Today’s main event was my trip to the Big City Over the Water to meet my school friend for lunch. We ended up in Down the Hatch* (Antigua Street) where it was busy and noisy, but the kitchen was working. 

Stuffed full of burger (we opted out of poutine) we wandered across the street to Joseph Pearce’s** where we had expected to eat, and had our coffee there.

It was quite an adventure to travel those 100 metres due to the never ending tram works. Pearce’s was deserted - shut kitchen, tram works at the front door… 

As usual, I left my car on this side of the water and let the bus driver deal with Edinburgh’s traffic problems, now fully resumed after the pandemic break. 

My route from bus stop to restaurant took me past Bute House (First Minister’s official residence). The media was set up outside as if expecting something to happen. Blipped.     

* Shameless promotion of a place owned by one of Junior’s ice hockey friends, and which occasionally sponsors his team. Ice hockey on TV for those who value the better things in life. 
** Shameless promotion of another ice hockey joint (Swedish owned). Also ice hockey on TV (if Sweden is playing).

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