New Classroom

Yesterday was the last day of school for students, and today was the last official day for us as well. Of course I have so many loose ends to wrap up I will have to put in some more time this weekend.

Then it will be time to look ahead to my new role for next year, when I'll be going back into the "regular" classroom. Technically the contract isn't signed yet, but it would be pretty harsh if things fell through now, especially as I've already met my new students during "step up" day. "I'm very surprised," one girl told me, "I didn't think my new teacher would be a man." She was very nice about it.

Ironically, one of the first things I told the kids about myself was that I was not, in fact, the school nurse. Apparently he and I look similar enough that many kids mix us up. My father was a nurse way back in the 70's, when men were not very common in that profession. When I was a kid my classmates would be surprised to hear my dad was a nurse. Now the kids find it normal that the school nurse is male, but are surprised the second grade teacher is too. So there's still some work to do in education if you ask me.

In any case this will be another big transition - the third year in a row that I will begin a new role in the school. Lucky for me the teacher who just retired has gifted me a wealth of materials to get started. All those blue bins and I are going to have to spend some time together this summer.

For now though, I'm just beginning to feel the tension start to slip away. It has been an extraordinary year, one that would be very hard to explain to people who were not on hand to experience it. Crazy me, I still have hopes for the year ahead.

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