Home again

Daughter One was working today, doing a moth count over on The Burg - weather permitting. It looked rather gloomy from Bunessan. Mrs M and I drove down miles of single track roads to The Crofter's Kitchen - aka Rosie's - having forgotten or not realised that it wasn't open on Sundays. Not to worry - we walked down through the garden where they grow a lot of their produce and then on to the beach where there are good views over to the Isle of Staffa - see first extra.

Before we left we had a look at their amazing flower meadow which is my Blip today; although they can't be seen in this picture the place was teeming with orchids - Heath Spotted, Northern Marsh and Greater Butterfly, though we only saw three of the latter.

We left Bunessan on the bus at 3.30 and caught the 5pm ferry from Craignure back to Oban. The day turned into a beautiful one - blue skies, fluffy white clouds and sunshine. Although we live in Oban and see it from many angles I have to admit it did look good as we approached and I joined the tourists taking photographs - see 2nd extra. Then all we had to do was a stiff 120ft climb up the hill to our house, complete with heavy packs! Good to be away, but good to be back too!

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