An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Hens march to the midden...

David was up and out by 7.30am as he was attending the Scottish Open at North Berwick.  I didn't hear him leave but he tells me I was laughing in my sleep as he left the room.  No idea what I was dreaming about!

After lunch I headed to the study to get organised for starting my drawing course but got distracted by a painting I started last night before heading to bed. Well, it's not really a painting, it was an exercise to test a load of my watercolour brushes to compare brands and how they mix paint on the paper rather than the tray.  I drew lots of little hen shapes to paint to make comparison easy, and this is the end result.  

I was too tired to take much notice of it last night but it made me laugh when I went into the studio this afternoon as it reminded me of a saying my Gran used to say at bed time or if we were walking together somewhere in a hurry hens march to the midden!  I'd never heard anyone using that expression outside of my family till I saw Blip Pal Trisha's blip last year, when she referenced the expression!  So it wasn't just some random saying my Gran made up (believe me she made up many!  lol)  I googled it (what did we do before Google?) and turns out it's a tune! :-)))

Anyway, I digress, back to the drawing course....all my equipment at the ready I clicked the first video in Module A and began something I now know I am going to thoroughly enjoy.  An hour later I had completed the warm up exercise and was ready to move on to the main drawing exercise, but I enjoyed the warm up exercise so much I decided to carry on and do some more as the exercise had included different ways to hold my pencil for different styles of sketching and it was revolutionary to me.  I've allocated six hours to the course this week and figured another hour practicing technique will stand me in good stead :-) The time passed so quickly!

Late afternoon the yarn for the bed throw I'm going to crochet for Nikki arrived.  I'm looking forward to starting it but it's going to take a lot of work and concentration.  I am predicting a few bad words and possibly uneven edges! 

I received a text from Fiona saying "prints arrived, they look fantastic.  The detail is incredible!" with an accompanying photo showing the prints.  I am so happy and relieved!  Think that's the fastest photography job I've done!  I will blip the print as an extra once the original painting has been received by its owner :-)

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