A Change of Focus...

...from the TV, the internet and the phone...to BIRDS....oh and a good book....

A day without telecommunications is a real eye -opener...Rogers, one of Canada's giant telecommunications networks had a nation-wide outage on Friday...and in this house where the Rogers signal controls my TV, internet and landline phone, that was significant..as it was for the country.. Almost nothing was spared...disruptions in emergency services, banking transactions, hospital communications, workplaces, concerts, Canada Border Services...even 911 access...People were scrambling to find internet access, searching for places served by the other telecom giant, Bell. What a mess. At least my mobile phone was with Telus, another service provider,  so I was not entirely off the grid..So far, there is no explanation of why that happened.. and I understand that although my signal is back today, (Saturday and I am able to back blip), that is not the case nation-wide....

So, how does one spend such a day when still tethered to home? In my case, watching and photographing the flocks of birds (extra) that seem to be enjoying my rather lush and jungle-like back yard these days....interspersed with intervals of reading of course..this time, the book is The Diamond Eye, by Kate Quinn - which because of this extended outage, will unexpectedly end up being a quick read! 

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