Wonderful day

It’s been a wonderful but very long day, waking at 5am, train to Edinburgh and a walk down to Modern 2 to meet Jenny for a wonderful Barbara Hepworth exhibition. I’d been to both Wakefield Sculpture Park and the Hepworth gallery, but there were a lot of pieces from private collections I’d not seen before., plus paintings, drawings and lithographs. A prestigious talent.

Then we walked up to the temporary Book Festival venue at the Art College where we had a Blipmeet at a University of Edinburgh reception. It was so nice to catch up with Jo and Hazel again and meet D and L.

Jenny and I went to a stimulating talk by Michelle Roberts about her new book “Cut Out”. Jo caught us as we came out and we had time for a quick drink before Jenny and I headed off to Henderson’s restaurant in Bruntsfield.

Next up was the Usher Hall for Simon Rattle and the LSO. What an amazing performance - Berlioz, Mahler, Sibelius, Kadane and Barton. We had another walk (7 miles on pavements so I’ll be hobbling tomorrow) to the tram out to Ingleston Park and Ride to pick up Jenny’s car to drive to Fife. It’ll have been a 19 hour day! (Normally we’d get the train but there’s none to Fife today.)

An early start again tomorrow as there’s limited trains.

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