
By Flossmo

Three cheers

This morning I joined the Glasgow Women's Library online Open Book session. These are always a joy. Today we looked at the poem Another Birth by Forugh Farrokhzad: https://www.forughfarrokhzad.org/selectedworks/selectedworks1.php . It was quite a complex work but with much to interest. From the poem our group leader Beth took a couple of lines: My whole being is a dark chant  and Life is perhaps and we then had eight minutes to write our own poem with one of these titles. The completely staggering thing is that each of us managed something really interesting. I never cease to be amazed at the quality of the work the others in the group write and that from somewhere within I manage to produce something too. In eight short minutes. Wow.

This afternoon someone turned up for digital buddying at the library and I was able to help. The lady in question wanted to listen to talking books. In no time we had downloaded the app onto her phone, set up a library account and downloaded her first digital audiobook. She went home delighted and I did too.

 This evening we have had a jolly good downpour which has nicely soaked the garden. The blip is a mono-Monday photograph of a very ordinary waterlily leaf covered in raindrops, with a little enhancement in Apple Photos.

Hip, hip hurray.

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