
first day of September and another day at the laptop, with a morning of back to back meetings and then a few more in the afternoon.  I managed to escape for twenty minutes at lunchtime and went for a  quick walk around the block. I couldn’t believe how warm it was.  When I was out I got a text from BB saying he was coming home. I tried to call him to make sure everything was ok and to tell him I was out, but he didn’t answer.  He eventually answered when I was almost home.  He said he wasn’t feeling great.    By the time I got back home, he was looking for me, so I could give him a  lift back to school! He said he would manage the last two classes of the day, so I dropped him off. 
He came home after school and lay on the sofa under a blanket, then eventually went to bed – well my bed actually as I had stripped his and hadn’t got round to making it again.  He missed rugby and then football training and he slept until about 10pm.  He then appeared to do his English homework, then went back to bed.  When I went to bed I checked in on him and he was  rather hot.  I wonder if he has whatever I had earlier in the week.  Hopefully he will be feeling better tomorrow.
This heron was on the prowl in the river this morning.  Looking for his breakfast probably.

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