Mr. HCB and I are very different - and we are quite happy about that fact.  He is quite shy and reserved whereas I will talk to anyone, but it has worked for us for 55 years now, so I don’t see either of us changing anytime soon.  

Another way we are different is in our reading - I am a skimmer and often finish a  book I am reading while he is perhaps only a quarter of the way through - but again, that hasn’t caused any issues over the years.

I am good with words and love writing my Blip journal - and I know some people say it’s not about the words, but about the photograph - but I know what I like doing and if people don’t like what I write, then I guess they don’t need to bother reading it.  Mr. HCB, on the other hand is quite happy to read my Blip, but when I suggested he should start doing his own Blip, he wasn’t very keen on that idea.  

I enjoy doing Wordle and Waffle - although I don’t do them religiously every day - if I remember, I do them and if not, then so be it.  However, I do enjoy competing with my Blip friend, Heidi, so we often share Wordle scores and then chat a bit during the day on Whatsapp, which is good.

Mr. HCB, by his own admission, would rather be doing something that involves figures, so he is often to be seen with his nose in a Sudoku puzzle and he especially likes the Samurai Sudokus, which I wouldn’t have the faintest idea how to start, let alone finish.

My point in all this is that just because we like different things doesn’t make us odd - it just means our brains are wired differently and as I said, it has worked for us for the last 55 years, so we agree to differ on certain things.

This morning, after he had pottered in the garden, he was sensible and said he thought he should have a rest, so we were sitting opposite one another having our cup of coffee when he heard the shutter click on my phone.  He accused me of taking a shot of him, which wasn’t true, I was just taking a screen shot, but that gave me an idea - but of course, now he had heard the camera click, I had to be a little devious - so I turned my phone onto silent and got this shot of him doing one of his Sudoku puzzles.  

When he asked me what I was going to do for my Blip on Wide Wednesday, I said probably him, so he asked to see the shot and then exclaimed that he knew I had taken a shot of him, but I assured him I hadn’t been lying, and hadn’t at that particular moment, but was just devious and took it later.  We are fortunate that we don’t really argue and we can laugh about things that happen during the day, which I think is a good basis for a marriage and I will say, for the third time, it has worked for us for a long time.

So here is a mono shot of the lovely Mr. HCB - I’m pleased he doesn’t go on about the dust around the house and never criticises the fact that I don’t get the vacuum cleaner out every day, but then, I don’t grumble because he potters in the garden or sits doing his puzzles so win/win for both of us.

“A great marriage is not when 
     the ‘perfect couple’ comes together;  
          it is when an imperfect couple 
               learns to enjoy their differences.”
Dave Meurer

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