Living my dream

By Mima


Thank you so much for all the wonderful comments, stars and faves for my landmark blip yesterday. I knew it was coming up, but then it managed to sneak up and surprise me. I never imagined I’d still be here 500 days after I started. It’s slightly addictive…

Todays photo illustrates what must be a Ridgeback thing. Beanbag loves ploughing the water with her nose on warm days. My old girl Sana, who was a Ridgeback cross, did the same. I’ve never seen another dog do it.

She comes up spluttering and terribly pleased with herself. So pleased in fact that she takes off and zooms around the paddock at full speed in enormous circles. Then she returns to me panting, wagging, and happy as a dog can be.

It was 23 C when we had our walk this afternoon, which is what precipitated her paddle and plough.

I’ve been outside all day. No kitchen challenge today.

Instead I’ve mowed, weeded and flushed out the idiosyncratic (idiotic more like) grey water drain Chez Mima.

The latter is a job which I put off as long as possible, but which has to be done twice a year to keep it running smoothly. Problems arise because the kitchen sink, bathroom sink and shower all drain into a sump from which there is a ridiculously narrow outlet pipe. The slightest obstruction causes backups. It was put together by the people who converted the truck. They weren’t plumbers, that’s obvious. None of it is anything like sensible, let alone to Code. It functions most of the time, but that’s about the best I can say about it.

That notwithstanding it’s been a cracker day.

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