Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob

Totally Fine

After an incredibly busy day at work wrapping things up before my week off, Rich and I headed to The Institute for an absolutely amazing gig! First time in ages that we went early enough to catch the support (as we're both big fans of one of them), and it was great. First up was No Bro, who I'd never heard of but was pleasantly surprised by, then Pom Pom Squad, who were fabulous. Finally it was time for PUP, and despite the fact that I'm only really familiar with their latest album (and one old track called Reservoir, which I'm currently mildly obsessed by), it was phenomenal. The atmosphere was electric, I found myself grinning a lot just from watching the crowd absolutely losing their minds. I almost lost my glasses from a combo of overly aggressive dancing and facial sweat (I know, I am very attractive XD) when Reservoir kicked in. What a brilliant way to kickstart my week off!

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