Silly Song Saturday

My family is known for making up silly songs and I thought of one when I saw Rudy in the morning sun..."Red sails tails in the sunset sunrise, Way out on the sea porch; Oh, carry my loved lovely one seeds, Home safely to me."  Tee hee hee!

Today I will be packing up the car with boxes of things I've made for the Holiday Art and Craft Fair tomorrow.  I've got to leave before 7am for set up.  The venue, Stone Mountain Art Center, has little "snugs" and I will be in one. (extra) I will be transforming it tomorrow, so I thought you'd like to see the "before".  Each snug has a theme and mine is all things Irish, very fitting after all my trips to the Emerald Isle.  I will be posting the result of the sale in the early evening tomorrow.  I am "Crafting for a cause".  20% of my sales will go to my favorite local charity, Tomten Farm and Sanctuary.  Wish me luck!  

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