Sheep in Ayton Wood

... with a touch of ICM (intentional camera movement).  By the time I took this one my fingers were so cold that I had to call it a morning and return home - I really hadn't gone very far.

I was even thwarted when I tried to feed the birds because my greenhouse door was frozen shut.  In the end I had to dribble hot water on the bottom to free it and was a bit concerned I could crack the glass - I didn't fortunately.  The birds were pleased with me, especially the pheasants.  I'm guessing there are at least a dozen but as they move around quickly they are not easy to count.

I've been trying to check whether the liner on my wood burning stove is suitable for smokeless fuel and I think it is.  I now have to decide if I'm going to use it to supplement the wood (there is a small amount in the bunker).  I don't think we've ever used it in this stove - my memory is vague because I was never in charge of `fire'.  I have a feeling that it damages the glass - but then maybe replacement glass will be cheaper in the long run than using gas.  And what about environmental considerations!

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