Chocolate and storage

Combining chocolate and a reusable storage device, this is my favourite Christmas present. My friend Erin popped it under our Christmas tree when she came to our Christmas drinks party on 17th December. I will need to be very careful to ration my consumption of the caramel wafers.

I hardy slept at all last night, so ended up testing my new 'bedphones' extensively until around 3:30am. They really are very comfortable. The next upgrade, however, will need to incorporate a cure for night-time knee and ankle pain.

My lack of sleep determined a quiet day. In the kitchen I checked all our leftovers and came up with a plan to ensure that no food is wasted: bubble and squeak with cold sausages for supper tonight; turkey curry tomorrow; turkey and bacon pie on Wednesday. I also brewed about 14 litres of turkey stock for future (delicious) soup supplies. In the sitting room, with Mr hazelh, I watched a lot of television: Farmageddon, University challenge, Only connect, His dark materials, and part of Detectorists.

The sofa bed is made up in the study in case one of us needs to jump ship tonight. (Mr hazelh has an annoying cough, although he doesn't feel ill.)

Exercise today: none.

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