Wine,Women & Song

By CelloNerd

Forty four days later

It has now been 44 days since I first photographed this tree in my backyard.

Thanks to fellow blipper Scoots, Shoots, and Leaves, I've learned that this tree, with its heart-shaped leaves, is a Katsura tree. A very spiffy iPhone Tree Identification app was employed for this task!

So much has occurred since this tree sported bare branches. I can hardly believe that we are well into the month of May, and the summer equinox is not far off. There are many changes coming up and I enjoy daydreaming about where I'll be, what I'll be doing, and how my life will unfold in the days to come.

In a sense, our future events can be divided into two broad categories: 1) the inevitable, and 2) the possible. Or, another way to look at it, the things that I know and understand, that will occur regardless of my actions, and things that I still need to learn, that are new, and still waiting to be unraveled. It's a good balance, I think, though I much prefer the latter.

Oh, have a heart.

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