
Wow, today I felt, well, not normal really, but I sure had a lot more energy. Not really sure why since Izzy the cat woke me up twice in the middle of the night by bolting out of the bedroom. Somewhat unsettling. 

My son and grandkids came for a visit today. He says that Izzy is bored now that she doesn't have another cat to interact with and she's trying to entertain herself. Our old cat Callie stayed with Dan the ex and they can hardly have play dates. So he's suggesting a....kitten. I know it's the best idea for Izzy....but....

So I put in an adoption application for a kitten. We'll see what transpires.

I kept up with my exercises and am going to make (I think) a curry for dinner a short while. Meanwhile, the sky caught my eye out my office window and I ran outside to capture it. It's lovely being able to see the sunsets from my new house!

Happy Saturday!

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