Watching moonset.

High winds last night kept me awake.  They were so noisy and were augmented by the sound of bins put out for the bin men crashing over.  I think I eventually dozed off about five o'clock.  Woke before nine and decided I was going to have a completely restful day. Went to pick up my bin and found the lid had broken with the force of it's fall.  Also discovered the moon was setting over rooftops further up the street so got my camera and my blip.  Once showered, dressed and the birds fed I went to the Pillars for bread. Their cob loaves are delicious and don't last long.  Bought some local honey too.  Set the washing machine going after breakfast and packed up the current unfinished jigsaw. I was working up from smaller to large because I'd been given a present of a 1000 piece jigsaw and felt obliged to do it. All the presents of milk chocolates that are cluttering up the cupboards  are going as well.  How did I become such a little goody two shoes feeling I have to eat or do things because they are presents. Went round to Alan's to pay the bill for my car and listened to him and the guy in the office having a rant about people walking around with their eyes glued to their mobile phones. Then off to the pharmacy to give them my prescription. Settled on the sofa afterwards for a while reading Granny made me an anarchist which is probably what's triggered the jigsaw and chocolate rebellion.  I was very into anarchism in my twenties. Contacted the council about getting my damaged bin replaced.  You can't speak to someone on the phone now.  You have to fill in a form online and provide an acceptable password before you are allowed to fill in another form to say your landfill bin has a broken lid. Your problem may or may not be dealt with in the next two weeks. This drove me  into the garden to hack down ivy.  The heat and rain of last summer has driven it berserk. It has to go and I need to revert to the more freedom oriented policies of my youth and go a little berserk too.

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