An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Starry Night...

We had a leisurely breakfast (well brunch) of muesli, fruit, toast and coffee with John and Norma.  Alan was up and dressed before they left so they got to spend some more time together.  

The plumber was supposed to come and service the central heating today so we hadn't made any plans.  Of course they were called to an emergency so our service has been rescheduled to Monday.  He ho :-/

Didn't waste the afternoon though.  Got some more of my crochet squares joined, Mindful Chef order done (takes a minute :-) Spoke to my friend Fiona (who's dad's funeral we are going to next week) She's almost completed another painting for a famous client and wants me to photograph it like I did with her paintings last year, so she can have prints made.  Her sister Lorraine is bringing her here on Friday for me to do that.  Well that's at least once this month the big camera will get used.  Will need to blow the stoor  off it! 

Spent a little while in the studio and ended up with this little abstract landscape.  David really liked it so I've put a mount on it.  I am toying with the idea of gifting a painting to my god daughter and her fiancee as part of their wedding gift and she loves these colours, so will experiment a bit with them on this size of paper (6 x 6 inches) before moving to a larger piece of paper, probably A3.

Just completed my online Tesco order and I am appalled at the cost.  £125 for 54 items, and it only included one dinner!  Our good friends T&V are complete foodies (T is a wonderful cook and was friends with and has cooked for the late, great Andrew Fairley) and they now refuse to buy food from any of the large supermarkets.  

Now that 5 of our main meals comes from Mindful Chef, I think we shall be following suit! 

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