Capital adventures

By marchmont

Granny day

I was woken by Amelia at 7.40 telling me 'it was morning already'.  And so it was.

Alter off on an expedition, to the Royal Selangor Visitor Centre.  It was very well organised, very interesting and we found out all about making pewter as well as making our own pewter bowls at the School of Hard Knocks.  Some of the exhibits were interactive and it wasn't too long that girls lost interest, plus there was free 100% half way round.

We had lunch there, big portions and then Grabbed to KLCC.  Before going into Suria we went to Decathon and they gave me a new watch.  2 year guarantee works.  They are very online so Wen Hui's email address brought up all the details of Monday's purchase. Then next door which being a Saturday and Malls being how Malaysians spend their time was mobbed. Olivia was looking for toys for the Amelia's party (4 March and her current obsession).  The window display at LV was identical to the one Sally blipped in Edinburgh on 7th Feb.  There was some info about a Japanese designer so it must be the house style. 

WE went to look at the fountains but they had stopped by the time we got outside and then the rain started so it was back to the entrance to wait on a Grab. Funny looking at everyone standing under the canopy looking at their phones tracking e-hailing Grabs. 

Home for dinner.  I had mine late - the steak I'd bought at Mercato with the rest of the wine.  Movie night was Pokemon but I didn't really watch.  Later when they were in bed I watched 'The Wonder'.  Another late night. 

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