Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid



I had my head firmly into work today. There is much to do and tackle. At some point, I realised one of the things bugging me at the moment is my hair, so I booked an appointment with Varinia to get it sorted.

The day was remarkably cool and breezy. I had no idea until G came home and opened all the windows. It was wonderful. 23deg C at 3 PM has to be good. It will be the same tomorrow. Woo hoo. Too bad I have to WFH!

So, I got to my hair appointment in the evening, dodging going-home traffic. Varinia has opened her own salon, so it was great to see her so happy and motivated.

Two hours later, I walked through the door to see the news clip about Burt Bacharach's passing. Oh no! That's too sad for words. At 94, he had a very good innings and has left behind a fantastic legacy. I immediately dug out this CD box set, which has a bit of a story. Back in 1999 when I was doing a TESOL course, G promised she would buy me a moon-phase watch that I had wanted for ages. When the time came, I saw this BB CD box set and immediately traded it for the watch. Music above everything else! :)))

We put it on and listened to a fraction of his iconic songs that are firmly embedded in the psyche and lives of people of a certain age! I hope the younger generation come to hear and appreciate his music - like what Mamma Mia did for ABBA.

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