Leg day

Shopped for and then made a big Sunday lunch which V and A also came over for.
In the morning Kt dismantled the sea glass craft picture she’d been working on to finish at home (extra). I’d like to do something similar but not sure I have the eye that she and K have.
T&Kt packed and then went for a last walk around town to get a few things and see the parts we hadn’t visited, whilst K and I cooked together, then V and A (and Paisley!) arrived and we started the chat which continued through lunch once T&Kt back. Talk of ex-colleagues, family and holiday plans….especially of V’s desire to go to see Orangutangs in Borneo and hearing of T&Kt’s experiences of that trip they did for their honeymoon.
Suddenly realised how late it was and that we needed to get them to the airport so a bit of a dash to gather everything up and set off. My plan to take K to see the Traquair murals was thwarted as it closes at 4pm and we were too late, but by that time we were more in the mood for just chilling.
As the day had gone on my legs had got stiffer and more sore….by the evening, having not moved much all day, I was pretty seized up and hobbling around pathetically! I wouldn’t have thought a bit of running (given I’d mainly walked round the parkrun course!) would have had much effect on me but my thighs were pretty sore….
We watched some more Ted Lasso then the first episode of the story of the Brink’s-Mat robbery and needed to check online about the background as we got quite confused. Shocked to realise it was as long ago between now and when it happened (a time we remember well as it was just before our eldests were born) as it was between then and World War ll, which seemed like ancient history to us in the 1980s. How can that be?!

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