The cinema

I was over in Wishaw, Lanarkshire, having a good old catch-up my ex work colleague Jonathan, which was lovely (see extra).

As I had never been to Wishaw before, I had a wee wander round and happened upon this amazing ex cinema.

The Cinema opened in April 1920 (taken over by British Gaumont in 1928) and was built for and was operated by the independent Thomas Ormiston circuit. Designed by local architect James L. Ross, it has a striking façade with two towers on each side that have pyramidal roofs. There is a centrally located panel over the entrance with the word ‘CINEMA’ in the stonework, surrounded by stone garlands. Inside the auditorium, the seating was arranged in stalls and circle levels (see extra).Thankfully, the building was listed in 2001, which has meant it has survived. 

The cinema, after many incarnations, is now a well-being centre for the Lanarkshire Association for Mental Health (LAMH), and has been refurbished well.

Here’s hoping you have had a good day. 

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