Happy St David's Day

No photos of Daffodils today although we did see a few while we were out for a little walk.  And it was a different walk for us this morning from Old Leigh past the station to Two Tree Island, a path we'd never taken before and very nice it was too!

And this lovely artwork was in the carpark under the road into Old Leigh, even the pigeons were admiring it from the floor!  Not sure why it's there or how long it's been there but it brightened up a dull space! Saw lots of Teal in the creek, and goldfinches in one of the trees along the path.

Currently enjoying a walk through Central Park in the snow thanks to Youtube while I carry on with some reading and various other tasks! It was live streamed yesterday and I'm learning lots about the history - so many blipping opportunities haha! I need to move to NY!

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