twinned with trumpton


Boys duly despatched to school (Tom under duress, still feeling rubbish but with coursework to finish off, he really needed to go, even for 2 lessons, before heading homewards)

Then the latest training programme began with Rab. Thankfully I'd had the foresight to suggest he chauffeur me rather than him bike around behind me as it was mingin weather. 

Just perfect for our day of misery. Highlight of the day? Ach they were all highlights. The junkies in EH16 who were whining about the heavy drug users they encountered as I tried not to step on the crack pipe, and avoid the square of tin foil on the living room floor..... the woman bitching about the standard of the carpet she'd got but was quite oblivious to her dog pissing on it as she chatted to us.

I think Rab got a good overview of the job. 

Then out in the incessant rain to get Tom's prescription and drop it to him( he looked dazed)  before jumping a 47 to Hers. Where the power was down so I had no Internet access till pretty much finishing time. 

Then dog walking and bed building occupied my time until I managed to bend the spanner provided so there remains  four posts waiting to be transformed into a four poster later this week. 

Majestic hound, spent the morning being sick, but rallied when I got there.

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