Celebratory fish and chips

Woke up expecting to have to be patient today, waiting for the answer on our house offer - but by the time I'd got out of the shower and come downstairs, Tim was on the phone and looking very happy.  Our offer was accepted!  It's official - we're moving to Devon!!

Cue lots of emails and phone calls to engage a solicitor and a surveyor.  Tim did an amazing job sorting it all out.  (I did keep offering to help, but my main duties were making coffee and bouncing around excitedly.)

We had been planning to go out after all of that, but we were both knackered and decided that, actually, we'd done enough today, and we'd save holiday stuff for tomorrow.  I walked up to the local chippy early evening to pick us up a celebratory dinner.  It really doesn't look anything special from the outside, but they were so friendly in there and the food was delicious!

Had another relaxing evening, with David Attenborough's Wild Isles on iPlayer and Get Shorty on All 4.

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